Minnesota ELA Standards
Modules for Investigation/Implementation Overview
Assistance in facilitation of the below processes and/or coaching working teams is available through BrightWorks.
Module 1: Seeing the Big Picture
Use a backwards design approach to investigating, understanding and implementing the new MN 2010 ELA Standards K-12. Get a closer look inside the standards by understanding the design, structure, and the content.
Module 2: Design, Develop, Implement & Integrate an Aligned Curriculum
This professional development is based on the work of Larry Ainsworth and Douglas Reeves.
Module 3: Unwrapping the 2010 MN ELA Standards
Participants will learn rationale, research, and the process for unwrapping the new standards. This process will help determine the essential questions, learning targets and spiraled learning progressions to guide instruction and assessment.
Module 4: Creating Standards-Based Units of Study Made Easy
This training is based on a step-by-step process to create standards-based units of study. Training will include writing essential questions through creating formative assessment, rubrics and scoring guides.
Module 5: Enhancing Your Content Through An Integrated Approach To Literacy
This training will provide content teachers with strategies for engaging and challenging students to become independent readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers. Participants will walk away with a “blueprint” for teaching students 21C skills specific to your content with emphasis on reading informational text and non-fiction writing.
Module 6: Teaching and Implementation of Non-Fiction Writing
Use the ELA Standards to guide the teaching and implementation of non-fiction writing
Learn the essential tools of the writing process, align reading informational texts with non-fiction writing, and create rubrics and feedback techniques for increasing student engagement.
Contact Information
Brittany Stepan, Program & Communications Coordinator
612-638-1526, brittany.stepan@brightworksmn.org
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