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MN Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

The underlying theme is teaching behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject.


MN Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a broad range of systematic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior. (OSEP Center on PBIS, 2010). PBIS refers to a systems change process for an entire school or district. The underlying theme is teaching behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject.

BrightWorks, formerly Metro ECSU hosts the Metro Regional Implementation Project for MN-PBIS.
BrightWorks also collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Education on web site design and development and ongoing maintenance for the Minnesota School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports site at Go to http://www.pbismn.orghttps://pbismn.org and PBIS Resources at Judy Wolff Library.

Program Contact

Sydney Navoichick, Program Associate

612/638-1521, sydney.navoichick@brightworksmn.org

Judy Wolff Library

Housed at BrightWorks, the Judy Wolff Library resources are available September through June for Minnesota Educators and Minnesota residents only. Through a partnership with BrightWorks, the Judy Wolff Library provides special education resources to Minnesota districts, schools, teachers, and parents within Minnesota’s Region 11.

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